3D Projection Mapping - Afterlight - 'Gridular 3.0' - Glow 2012

Описание к видео 3D Projection Mapping - Afterlight - 'Gridular 3.0' - Glow 2012

Last year during GLOW Afterlight impressed with the powerful work Interstices in a synaptic space. By optical illusions and misleading sounds the audience was carried away into an animated adventure through the human brain. This work is now on permanent display in the Molenstraat.

For this edition Afterlight pushes the boundaries of illusion again in an encounter with the massive DELA building. Where the building has a flat facade at daytime, it comes alive during GLOW.

Slowly the building loses his hard geometric structure. Straight forms change into organic patterns. Afterlight playfully takes the viewer on a three-dimensional journey and quest for identity. An exciting adventure, awaiting the appearance of the true face of the building.

Full creative production by Afterlight.
Technical production by Pronorm
Client: GLOW 2012



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