Ghostwire Tokyo Ep. 16 🗼👻 The Movie 🎬 Platinum Playthrough 🏆 Longplay PS5 🎮 4K 60FPS

Описание к видео Ghostwire Tokyo Ep. 16 🗼👻 The Movie 🎬 Platinum Playthrough 🏆 Longplay PS5 🎮 4K 60FPS

Ghostwire: Tokyo 🗼👻 is a wonderfully weird experience. This game is disguised as a horror title, but plays far more like an action-packed FPS shooter with supernatural themes. With Shinji Mikami as executive producer, fans of Resident Evil might find this fresh but strange experience pleasing, but to Japanese audiences the toungue-in-cheek references to modern culture and ancient mythology offers nothing new except a beautifully detailed reimagining of an empty but haunted Tokyo.

FPS shooters are everywhere and this title is no exception exchanging modersn day guns with elemental magic which I think is a cool concept. For me this game shines in the more linear type side levels with my favourite quest involving the investigation of a haunted high school knowing at any moment an unhappy ghostly schoolgirl wielding a knife with your name on it can say jump scare the ramen out of you at any time.

Tbh this isn't the greatest Playthrough, its quite chaotic with me randomly switching between completing missions and searching for collectables, I even considered scrapping it less than half way through after realising the platinum trophies would involve collecting over 500 trinkets, but the hoard goblin in me urged me to push through and attain all the shiny shinies, and reading the lore of these items was just interesting enough to fuel the fire to the end.

I would have loved the two main characters to have worked towards a more buddy comedy dynamic and some of the ghosts voices and visuals can get a little annoying at times, but really cool original concepts for games like these is welcomed overall, especially the spooky themes 👻 but sadly it seems we'll never see a sequel to this or my much preferred IP: 'The Evil Within' as Tango Gameworks is dead... potentially in the future an new dev team will revive something spookily similar and from the ashes of Tango Gameworks and a new ghastly IP will haunt the gaming dimension...

Spooky Prince's Overall Rating: 8.2/10
Music: 6/10
Gameplay: 7/10
Graphics: 9/10
Story: 7/10
Originality 9/10
Spookiness: 7/10

Sometimes I Wanna Shut Up & Play 🤐

Sit back, pull out your giblets and enjoy an immersive , cinematic and stylish gameplay experience completely devoid of my ramblings.

Feel free to like, spookscribe and let me know in the comments what your thoughts are on this game, and what you would like to see me do next.

Stay Creative 💜
Stay Free 🌌
but most of all...
Stay Spooky 👻

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