U-869 Wreck Exploration, 2020

Описание к видео U-869 Wreck Exploration, 2020

On August 8, 2020 a team of technical divers headed 60 miles offshore and 230 feet/70 meters to document the wreckage of the World War Two German submarine U-869. The story of the six-year effort to identity this mystery U-boat became internationally known in the book “Shadow Divers” a NY Times bestseller written by Robert Kurson.
My last dive on this wreck was back in 2008, and we were all anxious to see what changes had occurred over the past twelve years……

Time, tide and fishing vessels have taken their toll on the tragic submarine.

When the wreck was found back in 1991 a diver had to squeeze through the circular water tight hatches in the bulkhead to gain access inside the submarine, but now large sections of the pressure hull have been peeled back like a tin can, allowing a diver to drop down into either the radio room in the bow section, or in the after section straight down into the diesel engine room. This was most likly caused by scallop dredges and other commercial fishing equipment, some of which is caught up in the wreck.

But without doubt the biggest surprise was in deep in the back of the diesel engine room. The large daily fuel tank which had fallen from the top of the compartment and blocked our way back in 1997, has now fallen to the deck in-between the two diesel motors. I was able to swim and gain access into the electric motor room with-out having to remove any equipment. This simple swim for me in 2020, was a risky and dangerous maneuver for John Chatterton in 1997, which almost cost him his life.

But the highlight of this expedition was for me to take Andrew Nagle on his first dive inside the wreckage of U-869. Andrew is the son of Captain Bill Nagle who had discovered the wreck in 1991, and who sadly passed before getting to ever dive the wreck he discovered. Perfect conditions and a fantastic dive team abaord the RV Explorer made for an EPIC weekend!

Please pardon the hard edits/cuts as I will not show any of the crews remains on film out of respect for the families, of whom I am friends with.
if you like to more about this U boat and her crew, please visit www.U869.com

The photographic dive team:
Captain - Rustin Cassaway
Crew- Hanna Toft
Andrew Nagle
Richie Kohler
Ryan King
Jeff Goodreau
Jon Haws
Special thanks to Travis the Great!


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