Indika - Full Steam Next Fest Demo EARLY. A Nun travelling with the devil? What is this?!

Описание к видео Indika - Full Steam Next Fest Demo EARLY. A Nun travelling with the devil? What is this?!

Indika is an upcoming, really interesting looking new game. You play as a nun on a journey of self discovery... joined by the devil himself.

I was lucky enough to get to play the Steam Next Fest demo early, and here is my full playthrough of it! Make sure to Wishlist it and watch out for it next week at Steam Next Fest, this game seems really cool!

#indika #steamnextfest #indie

If you have any info, tips or suggestions, send them to [email protected]! Thanks!

I stream some Monday nights, come hang out:   / unbrokenodds   or here on YouTube!

  / unbrokenodds  
  / unbrokenodds  

Keywords: steam, steam next fest, indie, russia, nun, devil, demon, 3rd person, puzzle, interesting


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