Let's Play Bannerlord! Cassius Ovidius' story Part 36 [IRON MAN] [Hardest Difficulty]

Описание к видео Let's Play Bannerlord! Cassius Ovidius' story Part 36 [IRON MAN] [Hardest Difficulty]

Welcome to my iron man Bannerlord campaign; the story of the fictional character "Cassius Ovidius" where death = death. Oh, and we are also playing on the hardest difficulty.

There are 2 exceptions to whether a death is a death:

Tournaments (they are fought with non-lethal wooden weapons)
Random ambush events (which I don't think are in the game anyway)

The are no set goals except for surviving, but who knows where Ovidius will end up.

Hope you enjoy the series! I know I did, and I'll continue to do so making future episodes.


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