Tyler Hedstrom - Youngblood

Описание к видео Tyler Hedstrom - Youngblood


On behalf of Anarbor and The Hedstrom Family, we regret to inform you that Tyler, our drummer, friend, and colleague took his life this week. We are devastated.

Tyler was 17, a gifted and magnificent musician and an inspiration to all of us. He was changing how we approached our live show, how we approached music and most of all how we approached people. You made us a better band, you made all of us better people.

Tyler, we miss you, everyone does, you became part of another family when you joined the band, a music family that stretches across the world, and we are all here for you. You don’t know this yet, but you’re helping so many people right now with your story, it’s invaluable the effect you had on us, your family and people around you, and this won’t stop, you’re here forever with us.

The Hedstrom Family and Anarbor have started a GoFundMe to assist in Tyler’s Funeral expenses, family arrangements and donations to causes that work with suicide prevention and resources that work with people that struggle with what Tyler was going through.

We will be making efforts to combat what’s happening right now by spreading Tyler’s story with you and everyone supporting Tyler. The music community has been hit by this tragedy way too often.


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