I Tried This OP Top Ranked Team! Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Battle Stadium Singles BSS Ranked

Описание к видео I Tried This OP Top Ranked Team! Pokémon Scarlet & Violet Battle Stadium Singles BSS Ranked

We're continuing our Road to Master's Series in Pokemon Scarlet and Violet's online Battle Stadium Singles Ranked ladder! In honor of Series 2 coming very soon, I wanted to showcase one of the BEST teams from Series 1 made by a Japanese content creator. This team has quite a few tricks and unique builds that NO ONE expects, including Tera Fire Mimikyu and Assault Vest Skeledirge.

rental code: 8JCTNL
paste: https://pokepast.es/247955fef533aa97
report (JPN): https://amateras-poke.hatenablog.com/...

This team ranked TOP 3 in the WORLD in Series 1 of Pokemon Scarlet and VIolet Battle Stadium Singles. The team has a lot of very strong Pokemon in the metagame, while also showcasing a few unconventional picks that are much stronger than they look. First, the team has a Tera Fire Mimikyu to catch Steel Types off guard with the Fire type Tera Blast. In addition to that, the team has a Bulky Kingambit set with Substitute and Assault Vest offensive Skeledirge! To round it out, we have two of the strongest Pokemon in the meta right now, Tera Fairy Rotom-W with Choice Specs and Tera Electric Dragon Dance Baxcalibur. Try this team out for yourself to see how good it is!

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00:00 Intro
04:02 First battle
12:20 Second battle
22:45 Third battle

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Background music by GlitchxCity:
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