Do You Feel Disconnected from God's Love?

Описание к видео Do You Feel Disconnected from God's Love?

The number one battle I hearing Christians talking about, when they are honest, is they struggle to feel close to God, connected to His love and abiding presence.

This is a top assignment the enemy would want to manifest in a believer's life, get them to think there is a sense of separation between themselves and God.

The truth is, satan wants you to feel what he feels. He is eternally separated from God. You, as a believer, are not. But he will do all he can to produce a struggle in you receiving that grace and love connection with the Father.

In Romans 8:38-39, Paul wrote, "For I am persuaded that neither death nor life, nor angels nor principalities nor powers, nor things present nor things to come, nor height nor depth, nor any other created thing, shall be able to separate us from the love of God which is in Christ Jesus our Lord."

If Paul needed to be persuaded or convinced in his beliefs that nothing will separate him from God's love, then you and I need to cultivate that kind of faith as well.

Most of the problems you and I face come down to battles surrounding the love of God. If everyone was completely immersed in the Father’s love, we’d see a whole lot less of those problems. That’s because God’s love is a game-changer.

When you experience that depth of the Father’s love, the connection wired to that love is so strong, nothing can stand against it.

That is why there is so much assault over you experiencing the depth of God’s love for you. The enemy hopes that at first you will feel separated from God’s love, driving you to live a life of performance-based living, where you seek to earn God’s love.

Your adversary will also distort what love looks like, so that you stumble through relationships and find yourself locked into habits and coping mechanisms that provide no life. In the end, he seeks to slowly erode the ability for your heart to receive the life of the Father shown through Jesus Christ.

For more insights:

The Heart Healing Journey:

Experiencing God's Love as Your Father:

Exposing the Rejection Mindset:


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