My Method for Memorizing the Bible (multiple books) Explained

Описание к видео My Method for Memorizing the Bible (multiple books) Explained

My goal is to memorize the New Testament, and the first question people ask is "what is your method?" Learn the various techniques I'm using to quickly encode not just the words of a verse, but also the chapter and verse numbers with it. Learn more about my method and other proven memory techniques in the Bible memory book:

As mentioned in the video, here is a download to a simple worksheet I created for myself that offers different ideas for numeric associations for numbers 1-27.
▶ Download:

▶ Listen to the podcast!

Here's the Bible memory app I use and recommend:
▶ Bible Memory App (20% promo code):

🔹🔹What You Should Watch Next🔹🔹

This is just the beginning. If you enjoyed this and want more proven and unique methods for memorizing better, check out these videos next:

✅ How Susan Heck memorize the ENTIRE New Testament:    • How Susan Heck Memorized the ENTIRE N...  

✅ 4 Little-Known Methods for memorizing the Bible:    • 4 Little-Known Methods to Memorize th...  

✅ 9 Brain Exercised to boost your memory:    • 9 Brain Exercises every Christian sho...  

Video Timestamps
0:00​ - Different Methods of Memorization
0:39​ - Rote Memorization (& why I don't use this)
2:13​ - My method for memorizing the Bible overview
3:28​ - Anchoring (aka the Memory Palace)
4:12​ - Add Numeric Associations (various methods)
7:32​ - Story Encoding Bible memory example
9:48​ - What's next in the memory journey?

There are numerous methods to memorize the Bible. Whether you just want to remember a single verse, a chapter or even a whole book of the Bible, and it benefits you to do your research.

In this video, I explain the memory palace technique, the number memory system (including the Major System) and the story encoding method that I've combined to help me memorize entire books of the Bible, including both chapters and verses. You certainly don't have to use my method, but hopefully it can inspire you to create your own and continue on the journey of memorization!

#biblememory #memorypalace #scripturememory


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