Taking back Isa's house from Shahab and imprisoning Shahab by the lawyer

Описание к видео Taking back Isa's house from Shahab and imprisoning Shahab by the lawyer

Hello, dear viewers, welcome to our channel. I hope you enjoy this video. In this video, the lawyer with Isa and the soldier went to Shahab's house #lawyer and told them where Shahab is, and they said he is not here, and the lawyer was able to enter with a warrant. Tell them to tell Shahab's place and that you are a partner in the crime, but they still didn't say it, and Isa was able to find Shahab's shoes and told the lawyer that these shoes belonged to Shahab, and the lawyer said that we should go to the third building, and theyleft. They were looking for Shahab again, but he succeeded in finding Shahab's lawyer, and Shahab tried to run away, but Isa and the soldier caught him and took him to the police station, and Isa took Shahab's children, his mother, and his sister out on that cold night, and the lawyer He told it to let them stay tonight and take them out tomorrow. Isa refused and the lawyer decided for the sake of the children to take them to a hotel and tomorrow they will go find a place. Thank you for staying with us until the end of this video.

#taking back the house#lawsuit#soldier#Shahab#accomplice#Qaim#find#outside#request#refusal#hotel#patient#lie#threat#operator#asleha#


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