10 Minute Warm Up for Belting (do this before you sing like a diva)

Описание к видео 10 Minute Warm Up for Belting (do this before you sing like a diva)

I'm Madeline Harvey and thank you so much for hanging out with me today. In our video we're going to be warming you up quickly specific for belting. So if you like today's video please be sure to give it a thumbs up or click that Subscribe button below. I would love to see you here more often. Now there are two major components to belting that we have to be sure to activate and that's what a warm up is for. Number one is release. Now we need to be able to allow the demands of a song the range of a song to lift up to prepare to meet those fine or coordination of head voice. So I've got an exercise that's great for letting the chest voice thin a little bit but without losing that punch the second thing is resistance. Now what is resistance. That's a tricky element. That basically means that you're going to create a counterweight in the sound and that's going to give it a lot of pop and a lot of edge to it. So for example if I sing this thing here and I'm just going to steadily flow my air out in front of me on it's a kind of neutral tone but if I give it a little bit of resistance go it creates a counterweight that gives it more of a book sound. So here we go. We're gonna be starting on the sound. Nay. And that basically allows for you to activate your chest voice in a lighter way so that it can prepare to meet those finer coordination of head voice especially as we get higher. This is really really really great because it takes all the pressure and all the effort off of the neck and puts it in the nose. So we love thing that will help with that. So our pattern is this Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay. Now notice how I kept everything nay even at the start in my nose. So this will give us a lot more of us stability in our bills. HERE WE GO. GO THROUGH IT'S HERE. Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay maybe Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay they may be me me me maintaining Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Navy Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Nay Very good. Now if you feel that as you're ascending especially through that transition preparing to meet that final coordination of head voice if it feels like it's still getting a little groupie in the neck I like you let it go up and so that needs a place. Now this is an activation so that means you're not going to stay there but you're giving your body that frame of reference for what that feels like. So for example if we're here and we feel Nay Nay Nay and I'm stuck that I'm going to use my nose as an assist to let that transition happen. Name nay nay nay. And the more comfortable I become with that then I can let off of that coordination a little bit letting it be a little bit more of a usable sound. Cool. Very good. So moving on our second element is resistance. So this one's a little tricky in my lessons I always describe resistance as separating salt from sugar meaning it's really hard to feel the difference between resistance and strain if you're not accustomed to it. Now if you're accustomed to it just like tasting salt and tasting sugar it's very different but if you're not accustomed to it it can feel very very very similar. So what what we're going for is a little bit more of a muscle fiber. So we're gonna give ourself the sound good but it's gonna be like Dude kind of like that. Now do you notice that wouldn't go Gugu Gugu go my cords close. G is a very natural compressing consonant which means it's going gonna bring the inner edges of those chords together and allow the larynx to dip a little bit which is a perfect spot for Belting. We don't want that learners to raise up as we're belting we want it to stay nice and stable. So as we ascend we're not going to necessarily let the sun release we're going to keep it as good. As we can. Right. Cool. Same pattern same pattern. But keep it. Do something. Yeah. Here we go. Let's try it together. Ow ow ow ow ow ow ow. Now keep in mind we don't know. We don't want to get caught. We're really gonna go to food now. Believe it or not this feels very chesty but there is a considerable amount of head voice influencing the sound. So give it a try right here. Go. Now again only go as far as feels comfortable for you. And if you want to check in every now and again and just try that top note that's the sound that we're going for. Hear that head voice influencing that sound whilst we also give a little bit more muscle fiber giving the impression of leaning back into the sound. It's very tricky it's very tricky but keep practicing with it you'll get it. So let's take this back now. Boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop boop no go dude. Oh very cool. Very cool. Now these are very contrasting exercises but both will complement exactly what and a nice healthy belting needs. They're a little tricky and they're a little on the advanced side so feel free to modify by going just a little bit softer and a little bit lighter as you're building this coordination.


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