THRIVE ~ Manifest Anything ~ Listen for 30 nights as you fall asleep

Описание к видео THRIVE ~ Manifest Anything ~ Listen for 30 nights as you fall asleep


THRIVE ~ Manifest Anything ~ Listen for 30 nights as you fall asleep

Intro: 0:00 - 5:08
Manifest Meditation: 5:08 - 29:10
Positive Affirmations: 29:10 - 3:00:00

We as human beings, have an incredible ability to survive. The human spirit is tremendously resilient. It can withstand the most horrific of circumstances. No matter how bad things get, we always seem to find a way out, a way to survive. Yet, it is that same survival instinct that traps us in mediocrity, in poverty, in a constant mindset of having just enough to survive.
With all the innovation and technology that has come from human ingenuity since the beginning of our existence, life for humans has always gotten exponentially better. We continue to grow more prosperous, allowing each individual more opportunity for wealth, health, happiness, and abundance in all areas of our lives, more than ever before.
But if that were the truth, why do so many of us feel like we are living in poverty? Why do so many of us live paycheck to paycheck, working so hard, worrying, fighting, and scratching every day just so we can barely have enough money to make it through the month.
How is it possible that those who make 20k a year and those who make 200k a year, both have the same problem of feeling like they only have “just enough” to get by. It’s easy to blame the economy, or the president, inflation, whatever the media tells us is the problem. But the real problem is, we are looking outside, when we should be looking inside.
Think about this; no matter how bleak things may get for us, how deep into that hole we fall, we always manage to climb ourselves out, we always find a way to survive. It's as if, only when we are faced with the most terrible of circumstances, when we are backed into a corner with an almost certain outlook of devastation, this supernatural power in our brain finally decides to turn on, allowing us to do more than we ever thought possible, solve any problem, overcome any obstacle in our way, to make sure we will survive.
How could we possibly be so capable in the darkest hour, yet the rest of the time, we fall back into mediocrity? What happens to that unstoppable force? Suddenly, we become comfortable with just enough. With more opportunities for wealth and abundance than ever before, why do we become content with just surviving? Why do we do “just enough” to continue to exist?
No matter how bad things may become, we will always find a way to meet our basic needs for survival, but survival does not create a happy and satisfying life. To create that sense of fulfillment, we must have the mindset to not just survive, but to THRIVE. With this new mindset to THRIVE, we will no longer fight just to continue to exist, we will develop a deep desire to grow every day, to aim for a life worth living, to naturally move closer to our dreams every single day.
With a mindset of survive, you could try as hard as you can and put in all the effort you have, but it will still feel like you are on a treadmill, running as fast as you can just to stay in the same place. Just to survive. But with a mindset to THRIVE, it will seem like you have unclogged a dam as abundance in all forms will flow to you, seemingly effortlessly.
In this meditation, you will dive deep into the subconscious mind to transform that mindset of Survive into a mindset of THRIVE. This will not only allow you to become more abundant in all areas of your life, but also allow you to manifest anything you want. All you must do is listen as you are falling asleep. Listen for 30 nights and watch as your life transforms before your eyes.



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