Docker Tutorial 4: How to pass environment variables to a Node.js API from a Docker container?

Описание к видео Docker Tutorial 4: How to pass environment variables to a Node.js API from a Docker container?

In this tutorial, you'll learn how to pass environment variables from a Docker container to a Node.js API. We'll explore the best practices for configuring environment variables in a Docker container, including how to set, read, and pass them to your Node.js application.

Additionally, we'll demonstrate how to link a local directory with a Docker container directory, enabling data persistence even when the container is stopped or killed. You'll discover how to work with Docker volumes and manage their permissions, as well as backup and restore data for your Node.js application.

By the end of this video, you'll have a comprehensive understanding of how to pass environment variables to a Node.js API from a Docker container, and how to configure data persistence using Docker volumes.

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