Fast method for producing natural fire tinder and feather sticks

Описание к видео Fast method for producing natural fire tinder and feather sticks

Learn a fast method of producing and obtaining natural tinder and feather or fuzz sticks for fire starting. This method of fire tender and feather or fuzz stick producing is especially useful when everything is wet with rain. This will produce good dry tinder and feather or fuzz sticks that will readily support a flame.

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Hello my name is Lonnie and My wife is Connie.

Here at Far North Bushcraft And Survival you will learn about many long forgotten tricks and tips of the old time woodsmen. Not only will you learn about bushcraft / woodcraft but you will learn many things that will help you to survive in less than ideal "survival" situations as well. Come along and sit with me by the campfire as I delve into these subjects in a way that you can easily learn to then do yourself.

I will show you how to make shelters, gather food, use wild medicines as well as start fires with or without matches, lighters, ferro rods, etc


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