PJ Party Talk| What Happens After The Gray Hair Growth | Colleen Rothschild | Monat | Kopari

Описание к видео PJ Party Talk| What Happens After The Gray Hair Growth | Colleen Rothschild | Monat | Kopari

Welcome to my PJ party. We are talking hair and body. Some of my favorite hair and body products include Colleen Rothschild, Orlando Pita Play, WOW, Monat and Kopari. Gray hair takes on new characteristics that are better than you can imagine and restores you back to healthy youthful hair. Let’s talk about gray hair changes. Kopari has the perfect deoderant perfect for that delicate underarm area.

This is not a sponsored video.

Products mentioned:
Colleen Rothschild cleansing balm https://go.magik.ly/ml/qgk6/
Colleen Rothschild Honey Vanilla shower cream https://go.magik.ly/ml/qgk8/
Colleen Rothschild Quench and Shine Restorative Mask https://go.magik.ly/ml/qgk9/
WOW Dream Coat Humectant https://go.magik.ly/ml/h4i5/
Orlando Pita Play heat protectant
Kopari deodorant https://go.magik.ly/ml/qgkh/
Monat -Black shampoo and conditioner in ine


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