How Consumerism Ruins Our Planet and Finances

Описание к видео How Consumerism Ruins Our Planet and Finances

Consumerism is destroying our earth and our wallets - here's how. In this video essay, we're discussing the advertisement-driven world we live in, the ways consumerism impacts personal finance, mental health, and the environment, and what we can do to combat consumerism.

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How Consumerism Ruins Our Planet and Finances: Consumerism is a problem for the earth and your wallet (aka your finances) because it influences you to buy stuff you don't need. We're told to buy, buy, buy! Spend money! Go shopping! Always get the newest and the lastest things! But constant consumption traps you in an endless cycle of wanting more, spending more, and never being satisfied. It's time us all to break free. We have to reject consumerism by living more simply, buying secondhand (thrifting), embracing minimalism, and investing in experiences rather than items. By rejecting overconsumption, we can improve our money habits, save and invest more money, and work towards our financial goals.

My channel is all about living your best life by leveraging personal finance and intentional living, while also trying to incorporate aspects of minimalism and sustainability. If you're interested in money, media, society, and intentional living, be sure to subscribe.

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