From Fundamentalism to Catholicism - Michael Kelleher

Описание к видео From Fundamentalism to Catholicism - Michael Kelleher

Michael Kelleher grew up in a family that was deeply devoted to the Bible. So much so, in fact, that they had trouble finding a church home where they thought the Scriptures were being properly lived and proclaimed. In all of it, he developed a deep personal relationship with Jesus that flourished outside of any kind of formal church experience.

However, when Michael took a Bible college class that was intended to help him defend "sola Scriptura," he discovered instead that it raised a number of frustrating questions about how "sola Scriptura" was supposed to work.

And while many Fundamentalist and Evangelical Christians who go through this experience end up deconstructing or moving away from Christianity, Michael felt challenged to pray and discern if there was perhaps a different way to understand how Jesus intended His followers to read the Scriptures than what he'd grown up with.

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