Staying Ahead of the AI Revolution - A Different Lens

Описание к видео Staying Ahead of the AI Revolution - A Different Lens

Artificial Intelligence isn’t just the buzzword of the last year—it might just be the buzzword of the next century. That’s because at every passing moment, the technology is making exponential leaps. As AI continues to reach capabilities few ever imagined possible, world-class academics have pivoted the debate from whether all AI innovation is good innovation, and where its limitations lie, to whether humanity’s inherent embrace of technology that makes our lives easier is becoming a threat to our very way of being.

The fact is, in all facets of life, AI poses just as much opportunity as it does the opposite. And as we get closer to integrating it into everything we do, there will quickly come a time where we’ll need to collectively determine whether it is best to accept the technology into our lives, or reject it altogether. Either way, significant action will need to be put into place in order to ensure the best possible outcome for all.

Find out what AI really means for the future of humanity in this episode of A Different Lens.


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