
Описание к видео 星雲大師【歷史的人生】-奇蹟的到來

The Sixth 10 Years: History (Age 51 to 60)

1. 民國五十二年開辦壽山佛學院,五十六年創建佛光山,並陸續送弟子出國留學,希望從發展佛光山,繼而為佛教開創歷史,為人間留下功德事業。
2. 民國六十六年成立《大藏經編修委員會》, 陸續把藏經加以標點、分段、注解,重新編印成《佛光大藏經》,並將藏經翻譯成白話文,出版《中國佛教經典寶藏》。
3. 應聘擔任文化大學印度文化研究所所長,受邀為基督教所辦的東海大學教學六年,改寫過去出家人不准進入校園的歷史。現在台灣各大學中,幾乎沒有一所不曾請大師前往上課或講演過。甚至他現在是三所大學、十六所佛學院的創辦人
4. 民國八十一年成立「國際佛光會」,為發展國際佛教、落實「佛教本土化」,大師自己經常來回五大洲弘法,一年要繞地球好幾圈。佛光會中設有「檀講師」制度,體現「僧信平等」,同時團結僧信力量,期能邁向「佛光普照三千界,法水長流五大洲」的目標。

1. He established Shou Shan Buddhist College in 1963, founded Fo Guang Shan Monastery in 1967, and began sending his disciples to study abroad one after the other, hoping that the development of Fo Guang Shan would subsequently create history for Buddhism and leave marks of achievements and merits in the world.
2. The Tripitaka Editorial Committee was established in 1977 which published the Fo Guang Tripitaka with new annotations, punctuation and paragraphs. It was also translated and published in easy-to-read language known as Selected Buddhist Texts in Modern Writing.
3. He was invited to serve as Director of the Institute of Indian Cultural Studies at the Chinese Culture University, and also to teach at the Catholic Tung Hai University for six years, putting a stop to the restrictions placed on monastics to teach in schools. Almost every university in Taiwan today has invited Master to give classes at one stage or the other. He is now the founder of three universities and sixteen Buddhist Colleges worldwide.
4. He established Buddha's Light International Association (BLIA) in 1992 for the globalization and localization of Buddhism. Master travels around the five continents to propagate the Dharma so often that he would circle the globe several times within a year's time. The BLIA Lay Dharma Lecturers' System is a demonstration of equality between monastic and laity, thereby uniting the strength of both categories of Buddhists in the hope of fulfilling the goal to let Buddha's light shine universally, and Dharma stream flow across the five continents.


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