Supply-Chain Bottlenecks in the Sawmilling Sector: Identification, Improvement, & Economic Benefits

Описание к видео Supply-Chain Bottlenecks in the Sawmilling Sector: Identification, Improvement, & Economic Benefits

Presenters will discuss strategies for improving efficiency of sawmilling supply chains by identifying high-value obstructions to transportation networks such as a bridge outage and road detours resulting from age and weight limits on strategically important road systems. Discussion will include the economic impacts that transportation network improvements can make to a state economy and how to estimate baseline information for economic impact analyses that will help prioritize strategic improvements within the transportation system. Finally, an exploratory analysis of the entire wood products industry will be demonstrated to identify specific infrastructure improvements that would be most beneficial to the entire forest products sector. Presenters will also discuss how to document and communicate economic impacts generated from improved bridge and road systems for forest products supply chain, reduced vehicle mile traveled and state economy for use by advocates of the forest products industry.


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