Pyrography art for beginners. what blocking in is and why we do it at the start of a project

Описание к видео Pyrography art for beginners. what blocking in is and why we do it at the start of a project

Hey again pyro pals

Today's brief video looks at a very important part of the creative process.

We call it blocking in, and it's where we begin to look for those shadows and dark spots within our image.

This helps us to begin to see deeper into the reference picture and find those illusive shading tones that give a piece real wow factor.

Give yourself every chance to make your greatest triumph to date, turn that heat down, get a small spear shader out and get into the zone.

You will find yourself suddenly seeing things in a whole different way.

I hope some of this little video helps explain why I block in at the start of a project and how it expands my mind to see deeper.

Have fun, and create some magical art.

Lots of love
Flames pyro art studio xx


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