Do You Know What Your Reputation Is & What It Can Do? - Beverly Kaye @ LEAD Presented by

Описание к видео Do You Know What Your Reputation Is & What It Can Do? - Beverly Kaye @ LEAD Presented by


Great leaders know that they can't take the development of talent for granted. Individuals at every level want to report to someone who understands their talents, challenges them, opens channels for their development and links them to useful resources. They want someone to take an interest in their growth.

If an individual believes their leader truly cares about their development, their engagement will be high. Individuals need to learn that their leaders are not responsible for managing their career....only their work. And leaders need to learn that their job is to support the development process not fix it or hand over the next move.

Winning organizations will put career development front and center and foster a culture that supports an agile, mobile and committed workforce where:

-individuals bring their best capabilities forward
-leaders bring their best coaching skills to their teams
-organizations make individual development and growth a top priority

The problem is how to do this in a pressurized "no time to do it" environment. Leaders need a framework and tools for this dialogue. Individuals need to take control and do the homework, research, and thinking that leads to a mutually beneficial conversation. This session gets you started!

Dr. Beverly Kaye, Founder of Career Systems International, was named the 2010 recipient of the Distinguished Contribution to Workplace Learning and Performance Award by ASTD. Bev is recognized for her groundbreaking body of work and the significant impact she has had on learning and performance in the workplace. Bev is the author of Up Is Not The Only Way and co-author of Love 'Em or Lose 'Em: Getting Good People to Stay the Wall Street Journal best-selling book, co-authored with Sharon Jordan-Evans as well as Love It Don’t Leave It. Her most recent book, Help Them Grow or Watch Them Go was released in 2012. Her firm, Career Systems International, has worked with the Fortune 500™ and continues to invent, create and design systems and strategies in development, engagement & retention.


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