【養和快問快答】淋巴瘤 Lymphoma – 梁憲孫醫生(養和醫院綜合腫瘤科中心主任、血液及血液腫瘤科專科醫生)

Описание к видео 【養和快問快答】淋巴瘤 Lymphoma – 梁憲孫醫生(養和醫院綜合腫瘤科中心主任、血液及血液腫瘤科專科醫生)

摸到頸上淋巴腫起,擔心是 #淋巴瘤 ? 推淋巴又是否會影響癌症?血液及血液腫瘤科專科醫生 #梁憲孫醫生 會淺談淋巴瘤的診斷及治療方法。

Does lymph lumps mean lymphoma? How is a lymphatic massage related to cancer? Dr. LIANG Hin Suen, Raymond, Specialist in Haematology & Haematological Oncology, will talk about the diagnosis and treatments for lymphoma.

00:00 淋巴瘤Lymphoma
00:10 摸到頸上淋巴結的位置腫起,就是有淋巴瘤?I can feel lymph lumps in my neck. Do I have lymphoma?
01:04 甚麼是淋巴瘤?如何區分急性與慢性?What is lymphoma? What is the difference between acute and chronic cancer?
01:55 淋巴瘤有哪些治療方法?What are the treatments for lymphoma?
02:27 推淋巴是否有助預防淋巴癌?還是會「推散」癌細胞?Can lymphatic massage help prevent lymphoma? Or does it spread the cancer cells?

For more details, please visit below website and contact us:

養和癌症中心(港島東)HKSH Cancer Centre (Island East)
電話Tel: 2917 1200

養和綜合腫瘤科中心HKSH Comprehensive Oncology Centre
電話Tel: 2835 8877


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