Palpable Breast Lump - Mammography & Imaging

Описание к видео Palpable Breast Lump - Mammography & Imaging

This Patient-Friendly video was created by ACR's Patient- and Family-Centered Care (PFCC) Team in coordination with radiologist experts at the American College of Radiology (ACR). This video is intended to help patients participate in shared decision making with their physicians about Palpable Breast Lump imaging.

For more information about Palpable Breast Lumps and imaging, visit the Patient-Friendly Summary of the ACR Appropriateness:

Breast Lumps Information at

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For Health Care Professionals or others seeking more detailed information, the complete ACR Appropriateness Criteria Document for Palpable Breast Masses is at this link:

Visit the Mammography Saves Lives! page:

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