New 'Man of Steel' Set Photos Show Off Superman's Costume Accents

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I've defaulted to the officially-released image of Henry Cavill as Superman in Zack Snyder's now-shooting Man of Steel, but after the break you'll find far more detailed set pics that show off quite a few bits of his costume that we haven't yet seen. I figure there are some of you who want to wait for more official pics or the trailer to see all the weird new costume details — and there are quite a few — but for those ready now, hit the jump.

SuperHeroHype posted the images below, from 'Kal-El.9859′ and 'wacots,' and they reveal quite a few things about the costume. First, don't get too worried about the lack of cape in some shots — looks like it can be removed (is that velcro?) to make Henry Cavill's life easier between takes and while choreographing fights. It's possible, too, that some shots will have a cape added digitally. Here you can see the detail on Supes' gauntlet-like cuffs, and the weird embellishments that run up his thighs, around his kidneys and up the back of the costume. It certainly makes for a more alien look — this isn't something that seems to have come out of Smallville. (Compare these images to the full-size version of the first official image — some of the details were hinted at there.) The pics also show a soldier of some sort and a stuntman wearing a mo-cap suit — we don't know who the latter is standing in for.

None of this costume stuff, of course, tells us if the movie is actually going to be good. But it's something to talk about and pore over now. So, for those who are much bigger Superman fans, care to tell everyone else what the comic-based origin of some of these costume flourishes are? (Assuming there are comic-based origins?)

Man of Steel also stars Amy Adams, Diane Lane, Kevin Costner, Michael Shannon, Antje Traue, Russell Crowe, Julia Ormond, Christopher Meloni, Harry Lennix and Laurence Fishburne. It is scheduled for release on June 14, 2013.

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