
Описание к видео 【運輸直升機TOP9】第一名的運輸能力超越C130運輸機,是美國CH-47運輸直升機的3倍,一次可運輸近百名士兵。

00:00 前言
00:16 NH90直升機
01:10 EC725直升機
01:55 AW101直升機
02:36 米8運輸直升機
03:32 米-38直升機
04:27 V-22傾轉旋翼機
05:41 CH-47運輸直升機
06:39 CH-53K直升機
07:21 米-26直升機
08:08 結束

米-26直升機(俄語:Ми-26)是一款多用途重型直升飛機,也是當今服役中最重、最大的直升機,由蘇聯米爾莫斯科直升機工廠(原米爾實驗設計局)設計。該機的機艙載重和艙外負重均可達20噸,與美國C-130大力士型運輸機載重量相當,北約代號為“光暈”。該機於1970年代開始研製,1977年12月第一架原型機首飛,1981年6月在巴黎航展展出,1985年通過蘇聯國家驗證,1985年量產,1986年出口外銷,售價1020萬美元。 “米-26”投產後,有多款改良型機種,如:米-26A、米-26T、米-26P及米-26M等。目前,“米-26”系列機型的製造商為俄羅斯羅斯托夫直升機聯合股份公司。 “米-26”直升機除作為軍事用途之外,其民用功能也相當廣泛,可用作森林消防、自然災害救援等工作。 “米-26”還是聯合國執行維和任務的直升機機種之一。西科斯基CH-53K種馬王(Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion),是一種超大重型吊掛貨物運輸軍用直升機,目前仍被西科斯基飛行器公司所研發,主要為美國海軍陸戰隊服務,充當運輸重型貨物及吊掛重型機具等任務,特色設計包括3台7,500軸馬力(5,900千瓦)渦輪軸發動機,新型複合材料旋翼,和較前的CH-53E“超級種馬”直升機類型更寬闊的機艙,而即將成為美軍最大型和重型的直升飛機。
The Mi-26 helicopter (Russian: Ми-26) is a multipurpose heavy-duty helicopter and the heaviest and largest helicopter in service today, designed by the Soviet Mir Moscow Helicopter Factory (formerly Mir Experimental Design Bureau). The aircraft's cabin load and external load can reach 20 tons, which is equivalent to the US C-130 Hercules transport aircraft, and the NATO code name is "Halo". The aircraft was developed in the 1970s. The first prototype flew for the first time in December 1977. It was exhibited at the Paris Air Show in June 1981. It was verified by the Soviet Union in 1985, mass-produced in 1985, and exported in 1986. $10.2 million. After the "Mi-26" was put into production, there were several improved models, such as: Mi-26A, Mi-26T, Mi-26P and Mi-26M. At present, the manufacturer of the "Mi-26" series is the Russian Rostov Helicopter Joint Stock Company. In addition to being used for military purposes, the "Mi-26" helicopter also has a wide range of civilian functions and can be used for forest firefighting, natural disaster rescue and other work. The "Mi-26" is also one of the helicopter types used by the United Nations for peacekeeping missions. Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion (Sikorsky CH-53K King Stallion), is an oversized heavy-lift cargo transport military helicopter. It is still being developed by Sikorsky Aircraft Company. For tasks such as transporting heavy cargo and hoisting heavy equipment, features include three 7,500-shp (5,900-kW) turboshaft engines, new composite rotors, and a wider cabin than the previous CH-53E "Super Stallion" helicopter type , and will soon become the largest and heaviest helicopter in the U.S. military.


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