話你知最近我哋喺山姆買左乜Let me tell you what we recently bought at Sam's Club.

Описание к видео 話你知最近我哋喺山姆買左乜Let me tell you what we recently bought at Sam's Club.

#珠海 #印象城 #山姆超市 #購物 #分享 #優惠 #日常用品 #特價#Zhuhai #ImpressionCity #SamsClub #Shopping #Review #Deals #Essentials #specialoffers

探索珠海印象城山姆超市的購物樂趣!在這段視頻中,我們將帶你深入了解我們在山姆超市中選購了哪些產品和選購的原因, 希望能帶給大家在山姆購物中一些參考的價值。

Discover the shopping delights at Zhuhai Impression City Sam's Club! In this video, we'll take you on an in-depth tour of the products we selected at Sam's Club and explain the reasons behind our choices. We hope to provide you with some valuable insights for your own shopping experience at Sam's Club.

營業時間: 星期一至日(9:00-22:00)
特色: 會員制超市

Name:Sam's Club (Zhūhǎi Yìnxiàng Chéng Diàn)
Address:Zhūhǎi Shi Xiāngzhōu Qū Yìnxiàng Chéng
Business Hours: Monday to Sunday(9:00-22:00)
Specialty: Membership-only supermarket


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