Gradient Tool & Paint Bucket Tool kaise Use kren Adobe Photoshop 💯✅ In Hindi Lesson No 9

Описание к видео Gradient Tool & Paint Bucket Tool kaise Use kren Adobe Photoshop 💯✅ In Hindi Lesson No 9

Gradient Tool & Paint Bucket Tool kaise Use kren Adobe Photoshop 💯✅ In Hindi Lesson No 9

The *Gradient Tool* and the *Paint Bucket Tool* are both essential tools in graphic design and photo editing software like Adobe Photoshop or similar programs. Here’s a simple guide on how to use each:

*1. Using the Gradient Tool:*

The Gradient Tool creates a gradual blend between two or more colors, and it's often used for backgrounds, blending colors, or adding effects.

#### Steps to Use the Gradient Tool:
1. **Select the Gradient Tool**:
In Photoshop, you can find the Gradient Tool in the toolbar (it looks like a gradient bar). Alternatively, press `G` on your keyboard to select it.

2. **Choose the Gradient Type**:
In the top options bar, click on the gradient preview to open the Gradient Editor. Here, you can choose a preset gradient or create a custom one by adjusting the color stops and their locations.
You can select a linear, radial, angle, reflected, or diamond gradient depending on how you want the colors to blend.

3. **Apply the Gradient**:
Click and drag on your canvas to apply the gradient. The direction you drag determines the direction of the gradient. For a linear gradient, drag in a straight line; for a radial gradient, drag from the center outward.
The gradient will fill the area between the start and end points of your drag.

4. **Adjust the Gradient (Optional)**:
You can modify the gradient's colors, opacity, and blending mode by going to the Gradient Editor. This gives you control over how the colors transition.

*2. Using the Paint Bucket Tool:*

The Paint Bucket Tool fills a selected area with a solid color or pattern. It’s useful for quickly filling regions of an image or layer with a uniform color.

#### Steps to Use the Paint Bucket Tool:
1. **Select the Paint Bucket Tool**:
In Photoshop, you can find the Paint Bucket Tool in the toolbar (it looks like a bucket of paint). You can also press `G` to toggle between the Paint Bucket and Gradient Tool.

2. **Choose the Fill Color**:
Select a color from the color palette or use the color picker to pick the color you want to fill the area with.

3. *Adjust the Paint Bucket Tool Settings* (Optional):
In the options bar at the top, you can adjust the tolerance. This controls how similar the color should be to the pixel you click on before it gets filled. Lower tolerance means the color will only fill areas very similar to the point you clicked. Higher tolerance means a broader range of colors will be filled.
You can also change the mode (e.g., Normal, Multiply) and whether you want to fill with a pattern or a solid color.

4. **Click to Fill**:
Once your settings are in place, simply click on the area you want to fill. The Paint Bucket Tool will fill all connected pixels of similar color (based on tolerance) with the selected color.

*Key Differences:*
The *Gradient Tool* creates smooth transitions between colors or shades, often used for backgrounds or subtle effects.
The *Paint Bucket Tool* is for filling large areas with a solid color or pattern, typically used for solid fills or quick color applications.

Both tools are simple but powerful for creating various effects in design work!
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