Strategic Legato Alternate Picking (aka S.L.A.P) | Picking Faster Made Easy with Noah Walker

Описание к видео Strategic Legato Alternate Picking (aka S.L.A.P) | Picking Faster Made Easy with Noah Walker

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Bogged down with go-nowhere alternate picking exercises? Well this isn't your bog standard "alternate picking lesson for guitar." How about taking a legato lesson and putting it into and alternate picking lesson? So many people who have tried to do alternate have run into the age old issue of string crossing. We've all wanted to know just how we can be Picking Faster. Noah Walker S.L.A.P. [Strategic Legato Alternate Picking ] method makes it easy.

Most of us know Guitarist Troy Grady who has devoted much of his endeavors into figuring out how the masters do it. Many of us including Noah have looked to the work of Troy Grady as in inspiration in hopes that we too will be able to add his discoveries to our repertoire.

Guitar educator Noah Walker tried in earnest to try to get his alternate picking to a higher level and in doing so I happened upon this particular approach. I thought it was a remarkable solution and I felt I wanted to share it with my audience. Much respect to Noah! I will leave a link to his video too, so you can view his official unveiling.

#alternatepicking #legatopicking #StrategicLegatoAlternatePicking #playguitarfaster


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