Most Common JavaScript Mistakes You Need To Know

Описание к видео Most Common JavaScript Mistakes You Need To Know

These are most common JavaScript mistakes you need to know as a javascript developer. If you don't follow best practices, a program will still work. If you don't avoid common mistakes, a program may still work, but it may require further attention from you, down the line. So better avoid mistakes, than fix later. In this video I will highlight most common javascript mistakes to avoid.

Forgetting to declare variables with let, var, or const.
Not using strict equality comparison or strict inequality comparison or using Equality Operator Instead of Strict Equality Operator
Not handling errors properly, either by not catching them or by not providing useful error messages.
Not understanding variable scope, especially with let and const.
Mixing up asynchronous and synchronous code.
Not understanding how this keyword works in javascript.
Using eval or with functions, which can introduce security risks.
Not using semicolons correctly.
Not cleaning up event listeners or intervals, causing memory leaks.
Not understanding how objects and arrays work, leading to unexpected results.
Switch statements use strict comparison
Confusion between concatenation and addition
Not handling floating point values properly
Breaking a JavaScript String
Breaking a Return statement or Breaking statements and semicolons
Trailing commas mistake
Not understanding difference between undefined and null

Thre are other small mistakes as well,
Such as:
Not returning from a javascript function
Loading JavaScript scripts in HTML before the DOM Is Loaded
Reassigning Const Variables
Poorly named variables
Too large of functions
Unnecessary else statements
Not Short-circuiting Loops
Not Formatting Code
and so on.

Mastering JavaScript programming language can be challenging, and it's natural to feel overwhelmed. However, if you avoid these common mistakes in JavaScript an follow best practices of javascript, it can be a fun and rewarding language to work with.

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