Swallowed Whole - a comb jelly preying on a comb jelly

Описание к видео Swallowed Whole - a comb jelly preying on a comb jelly

Beroe ovata (Ctenophora, Nuda, Beroida, Beroidae) preying on Ocyropsis cristallina (Ctenophora , Tentaculata, Lobata, Ocyropsidae)

Beroid comb jellies lack tentacles and often swallow entire large preys, usually other gelatinous planktonic organisms. Inside their large mouth there are a special type of cilia – the macrocilia – used to bite and seize their prey.
Beroe ovata is a voracious predator and may be found in dense aggregations.

See also:

More images of marine organisms at http://cifonauta.cebimar.usp.br/

Centro de Biologia Marinha, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil
  / cebimarusp  


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