BAD traditions of the Akan Asante Ashanti of Ghana can not be ignored | Enslavement of Israelites

Описание к видео BAD traditions of the Akan Asante Ashanti of Ghana can not be ignored | Enslavement of Israelites

If you do NOT like the TRUTH, don't listen to this video!!! Why do Asante Ashanti Kings/Chiefs use umbrellas? Where did this tradition originate? We really need to know our history and access if it is necessary to adjust our practices. In reality, we know that people cherish traditions more than TRUTH. Most likely, this particular tradition will not be accessed or changed. However, it does not mean we have to ignore the truth about the history of the traditions.

DISCLAIMER: This is NOT an apology for what is stated in this video. I value truth more than pseudo/fake alliances. This disclaimer is an advance notice to those who would judge this video without hearing everything shared. Therefore, I ask that you please listen to ALL I have shared and know that no disrespect is spoken or implied towards the Akan-Asante-Ashanti tribe or its good traditions. This share is to educate us on our history, encourage us to educate others, and make the necessary adjustments to move forward from here. This is the first of several discussions on sensitive topics concerning the TRULY DISPERSED diasporas' return to the African continent. . All discussions may or may not be posted to this particular channel or platform; if your comment shows that you did NOT listen to everything stated in this video, it will not be published. If your statement shows that you do not know my history, love, and respect I have for Ghana and its good traditions, it will not be posted. Shalom

Tourism and Travel Vlog
Holiday Inn Accra Ghana Artwork
Holiday Inn Accra Ghana Artwork depicts relics given by Europeans and Americans in exchange for humans/persons to be used as slaves.
Scarlet-colored umbrellas for enslaved humans
Umbrellas for enslaved Israelites


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