Khonoma Fort (fiercest of battles fought between British and Nagas)(1850-79)/Khonoma village/Kohima

Описание к видео Khonoma Fort (fiercest of battles fought between British and Nagas)(1850-79)/Khonoma village/Kohima

Brief story of Semoma Fort of Khonoma, Kohima...extract from the monolith. 1825- First completion of the Fort. 1850- First Anglo-Khonoma battle fought from this Fort. 1879- Second Anglo-Khonoma battle and the First demolition of the Fort. 1890- The Second reconstruction of the Fort. 1906- The Second demolition of the Fort by the British Govt owing to internal conflict. 1919- The Third reconstruction of the Fort. 1956- The Third demolition of the Fort during the Indo-Naga conflict. 1990- The Fourth reconstruction of the Fort. Fiercest of battles were fought between the British and the Nagas(1850-79)in this Semoma Fort of Khonoma. This Fort was described as one of the strongest in the Northeast by Maj.John Butler of the British Army. Hope you all enjoy watching this video...stay tune for more such videos of historical importance and thanks 🙏


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