Let's Talk About... The Gaps in Support for WLS Patients | Plus my BIG Announcement!!!

Описание к видео Let's Talk About... The Gaps in Support for WLS Patients | Plus my BIG Announcement!!!

Hello everyone!

Today is an exciting video! I love to talk about where we as a bariatric community have room to grow. Today I am sharing with you my own experiences on dealing with the gaps in support for weight loss surgery patients. All of my experience has been within Canada, therefore I can only speak on what I know. Also, PLEASE understand that no matter what I've gone through, I am still incredibly grateful for my bariatric clinic and all that they've done for me. I just know that there is so much work to be done on a more personal level, and I want to try to bridge some of those gaps.

In today's video I am also announcing that I will begin offering one-on-one bariatric mindset mentoring, based on my own experiences and research on all things bariatric surgery related. If you are so inclined to check out my website, please feel free to do so by following the link below!! I am so beyond excited to announce this, as it has been in the works for some time. :)


♥ Instagram: @samantha_rny13
♥ TikTok: samanthamjc13

♥ Email: [email protected]

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