
Описание к видео 🔥使用吸引力法則的秘密,你想要的一切都在這17秒🔥

1 《Neowake 冥想专辑必备》--会员赠送
Neowake 冥想专辑《Source Code》以互动方式引导听众通过三个层次,达到真正的自我认识。目前关注我们频道的朋友可以免费获得上面的冥想专辑
级别 1:减轻压力
级别 2:体验深度冥想
级别 3:获得恍惚体验

2 《Silent Subliminals Desired Subliminals 理想伴侣 - 如何寻找你的梦想伴侣》

3 《灵魂萨满布丽塔·C·兰伯特(Britta C. Lambert)》近年来在业界享有盛誉。
凭借她自然、富有同情心和团结的天性,她的 YouTube 频道迄今为止已拥有超过 17,000 名订阅者,并已帮助数百人清除障碍,从而过上更快乐、更满足和更专注的生活。

在本频道可以看到不轻易外传的《周易》,《梅花心易》,《八卦》,六爻》,《风水》,《罗盘》,《八字命理》,《面相》,《紫微斗数》这几本内传的,系统的,实战知识。 这几大古今内传的实战模块。与其他理论知识不同, 我们的讲解主打的是与这些模块结合的实战经验。 抱歉老师不能出镜,但是懂行的同学,遇到好知识,自会领悟。 《道德经》,《周易》,《皇帝内经》,《庄子》,这四部是东方知识必备的底层系统架构知识。 大道至简,道不轻传,今已传不能具名的老师来引导大家通过系统的讲解和课程,一步一步走进神秘的知识,获取古老《易经》的实战精髓掌握人生命运,汲取生活智慧。 请大家点击订阅,这样可以支持频长期免费让大家随时在线观看。 同时开放邮件预约客户的咨询,邮件邀约的通道为:[email protected] 提醒注意,在未同老师邮件沟通前,请不要发自己的八字等个人信息,八字这些信息是很重要的隐秘信息,需要有道的人才能启动术来运用。 学好风水,自带福气,感激相逢,善待缘分。 点击订阅后的各位更可以发送已经订阅成功的截图到[email protected] 领取100G更私密的课程配套视频资料。 万分感谢,万福,随喜~~~ +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ In this channel, you can see "Book of Changes", "Plum Blossom Heart Change", "Bagua", "Liu Yao", "Feng Shui", "Compass", "Bazi Numerology", "Mianxiang" which are not easily circulated. , systematic, practical knowledge. These are the actual combat modules passed down from ancient to modern times. Unlike other theoretical knowledge, Our lectures focus on hands-on experience combined with these modules. I'm sorry that the teacher can't appear on the screen, but students who are knowledgeable will understand when they encounter good knowledge. "Tao Te Ching", "Book of Changes", "Emperor's Internal Classic", "Zhuangzi", these four are the underlying system architecture knowledge necessary for oriental knowledge. From the great to the simple, the Tao is not lightly passed on. Today, an unnamed teacher has been passed on to guide everyone through systematic explanations and courses, step by step into the mysterious knowledge, obtain the practical essence of the ancient "Book of Changes", master the destiny of life, and absorb the wisdom of life . Please click to subscribe, so that it can be supported for a long time and free for everyone to watch online at any time. At the same time, open email appointments for customer consultation. The channel for email invitations is: [email protected] Please be reminded that before communicating with the teacher by email, please do not send personal information such as your horoscope. The information of horoscope is very important and secret information, and it needs a proper person to activate the technique. Learn Feng Shui well, bring your own blessings, be grateful for meeting, and be kind to fate. After clicking subscribe, you can send a screenshot of the successful subscription to [email protected] Receive 100G more private course supporting video materials. Thank you very much, all blessings, congratulations~~~


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