Today we're tackling challenging would you rather questions!

Play along with me?

The Questions:
would you rather be spoiled for a character death or spoiled for how a book series ends?

would you rather be forced to read the beginning of a book & not be able to read the end or forced to read the end of a book and not be able to read the first part of the book?

would you rather pick up a book and it be sticky (🤢) or pick up a book that had smooshed bugs in between its pages?

would you rather be forced to tattoo the cover of a book on your butt cheeks or tattoo the entire text of a book all over your body?

would you rather each chapter of a book end with a character death or forget what happens in the last chapter with every new chapter you start?

would you rather have a book with a great concept, but horrible writing or would you rather have a book with a boring concept, but with good writing?

would you rather be sucked into a fictional world, but not be able to hang out with any of your favorite characters or have your favorite fictional characters visit your world temporarily?

would you rather have a book smell terribly while reading it or have a book sting you every time you touched it?

would you rather have a book you love disappear from existence after reading it or never be able to talk about the books you love?

would you rather sacrifice a book you love (aka never be able to read it ever again) in order to bring back to life a dead character or sacrifice a book you love (again.. never to be read again) in order for a bad book with a good concept to be revamped into an incredible book?

would you rather read a book with cringey dialogue or read a book filled with boring characters?

would you rather read a book with horrible grammar or read a book filled with misspellings?

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