The Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception (1/2) 💛 By Max Heindel. FULL Audiobook

Описание к видео The Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception (1/2) 💛 By Max Heindel. FULL Audiobook

The Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception. By Max Heindel. Full Audiobook
This audiobook is only for reference and accessibility purposes. Do NOT treat it as a source of truth. Recommended video:    • 🍽 Falling Plates | A short film about...  
"The Rosicrucian Cosmo Conception" is a book written by Max Heindel, first published in 1909. The book is a Rosicrucian text that presents a detailed cosmological model, describing the creation and organization of the universe according to Rosicrucian teachings. It is divided into three parts: Part I: the Visible and the Invisible Worlds, Man and the Method of Evolution, Rebirth and the Law of Cause and Effect; Part II: the scheme of Evolution in general and the Evolution of the Solar System and the Earth in particular; Part III: Christ and His Mission, Future Development of Man and Initiation, Esoteric Training and a Safe Method of Acquiring Firsthand Knowledge.

The author talks about the true man and his journey through involution, spiritual evolution and epigenesis, presenting practical methods to help the development of latent potentials in each one of us and how to transmute our latency into dynamic powers in order to achieve, according to the author, direct knowledge and conscientious work in the inner planes. It deals with many esoteric topics and also metaphysics, physiology and cosmology (the visible and invisible worlds, human evolution, death and rebirth, nutrition, esoteric training, ...). It contains a history of the evolution of the human spirit and related bodies (from before awareness, through various incarnations of our planet on various planes, and into the future development) and of animal, vegetable and mineral life waves (the myriad life forms and types of consciousness on this physical plane, experiencing their own points in evolution). It also presents an esoteric interpretation about the mission of Christ and an occult analysis of Biblical texts which include the fall of man, the Law of Cause and Consequence and Bible and rebirth, and many other themes which were further developed in the subsequent books, lectures and lessons given by the author at the time (1910s) in the United States.

According to the author, in the beginning of a Day of Manifestation a certain collective Great Being, God, limits Himself to a certain portion of space, in which He elects to create a Solar System for the evolution of added self-consciousness. In God there are contained hosts of glorious Hierarchies and lesser beings of every grade of intelligence and stage of consciousness, from omniscience to an unconsciousness deeper than that of the deepest trance condition. During the current period of manifestation these various grades of beings are working to acquire more experience than they possessed at the beginning of this period of existence. Those who, in previous manifestations, have attained the highest degree of development work on those who have not yet evolved any consciousness .

The book describes that in the Solar System, God's Habitation, there are seven Worlds differentiated by God, within Himself, one after another. These Worlds have each a different "measure" and rate of vibration and are not separated by space or distance, as is the Earth from the other planets .

The Rosicrucian Cosmo-Conception is a book that presents a unique perspective on the nature of the universe and the evolution of humanity. It is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the esoteric teachings of the Rosicrucians and the Western Wisdom Teachings. The book is available for purchase online and in bookstores ..
More: Rosicrucianism, Occultism, Invisible Worlds
Initiation, Evolution, Christianity
Mysticism, Religion, Spirituality
Unexplained Mysteries, Hermeticism, Philosophy
Cosmic Wisdom, Vital Body, Ether

00:00:00 Creed or Christ
00:02:16 A Word to the Wise
00:25:00 Chapter 1. The Visible and Invisible Worlds
01:17:38 Chapter 2. The Four Kingdoms
02:12:12 Chapter 3. Man and the Method of Evolution
03:55:55 Chapter 4. Rebirth and the Law of Consequence
04:44:50 PART 2. COSMOGENESIS AND ANTHROPOGENESIS. Chapter 5. The Relation of Man to God
04:53:34 Chapter 6. The Scheme of Evolution
05:09:32 Chapter 7. The Path of Evolution
05:19:16 Chapter 8. The Work of Evolution
05:55:27 Chapter 9. Stragglers and Newcomers
06:10:20 Chapter 10. The Earth Period
06:32:32 Chapter 11. The Genesis and Evolution of our Solar System
06:55:47 Chapter 12. Evolution on the Earth
08:15:43 Chapter 13. Back to the Bible
08:30:15 Chapter 14. The Occult Analysis of Genesis
09:52:28 PART 3. MAN'S FUTURE DEVELOPMENT AND INITIATION. Chapter 15. Christ and His Mission
11:07:14 Chapter 16. Future Development and Initiation


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