Tibia 2019 [boss fight] - Feroxa boss fight Belluma ED 130 POV

Описание к видео Tibia 2019 [boss fight] - Feroxa boss fight Belluma ED 130 POV

Start playing Tibia and join me on Belluma: http://vid.io/xntM

Hey guys,
Its Lordis here
Today during the full moon (The Curse of the Full Moon) event in Tibia Grimvale, Feroxa boss spawned. I as a elder druid with friends of mine have started the grimvale quest The Curse of the Full Moon and we were waiting for the boss, so it's gonna be a realy quick video showing you a feroxa fight we had today on Belluma.

It was a very first time me and friends encountered this boss.
Unfortunaetly my ek friend was insta killed there, he was totaly nuked by feroxa, I couldn't heal him.

And what was the loot you may ask? You will see at the end. I will leave you with the fight,

enjoy :)


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