The TRUTH About FM23 W/ Benjy, Zealand, WTS and Lollujo

Описание к видео The TRUTH About FM23 W/ Benjy, Zealand, WTS and Lollujo

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Football Manager 2023 is now out, but is it worth it? DoctorBenjy, Zealand, WorkTheSpace and Lollujo join together to discuss the situation the game currently finds itself in, the frustrations to do with the new game and what the future holds for Football Manager

► ZEALAND:    / zealandonyt  
► LOLLUJO:    / lollujo  
► WORKTHESPACE:    / workthespace  

Come watch me live:   / doctorbenjy  
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►STREAM:   / doctorbenjy  
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►SHIRTS: https://doctorbenjys-store.creator-sp...

Football Manager Stuff I Use
FM Skin -
FM Facepack -
FM Badges -

#FootballManager2023 #FM23 #doctorbenjy


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