Evolution of rickroll 2000-2023 [NEW VERSION]

Описание к видео Evolution of rickroll 2000-2023 [NEW VERSION]

In the previous video they told me to put more things, I did it and here it is

Part 2:    • Evolution of rickroll 2000-2023 Part ...  

Part 3:
   • Evolution of rickroll 2000-2024 part 3  

Original rickroll:    • Видео  

Ralph rickroll:    • Ralph Breaks the Internet Post-Credit...  

Get stick bugged lol:    • Get Stick Bugged lol  

Gamecube rickroll:    • Never gonna give up this Game Cube intro  

Saul goodman 3d:    • Saul goodman 3d  

Rodrick rules:    • Видео  

Monday left me broken:    • Видео  

Josh hutcherson whistle:    • Josh Hutcherson || Whistle  


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