The Reader's Profile Tag August 8, 2024

Описание к видео The Reader's Profile Tag August 8, 2024

This tag was created by ‪@HilaryBGreen‬ Book Bustle, and I was tagged by Gavin @GenreBooks23

My short, The Follower:

The Prompts:

1. What for you makes a good book?
2. What are you currently reading?
3. What's the last book you didn't finish and why?
4. What obscure book do you wish other people would read?
5. What's the longest book you've ever read?
6. If you could have a dinner party with five fictional characters, who would they be?
7. Five books you'd want if stranded on a desert island.
8. One book you could not put down.
9. Five books or authors you will never read.
10. If you were to write a book, what would it be about?
11. Tag some people.

I tag:


#reading #smallbooktuber #books #fantasyreader #bookworm #fantasybooktube #sciencefiction #booktag


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