Queen Elizabeth II dedicates John F. Kennedy Memorial at Runnymede

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The memorial was dedicated by Queen Elizabeth II in May, 1965. Jacqueline Kennedy, John Jr., Caroline, Robert and Edward Kennedy were all present for the ceremony.

As a major part of the dedication, the Queen handed over one acre of land containing the memorial to then-Secretary of State Dean Rusk. It became American soil to symbolize the close association between the U.K. and the U.S.

The site is truly awe-inspiring - very peaceful - and it contains several elements not to be missed:

The memorial site itself was designed by famed landscape artist Geoffrey A. Jellicoe. Sculptor Alan Collins inscribed text on a 7-ton block of Portland white stone that is the highlight of the memorial. The stone is from the same quarry that provided material for St. Paul's Cathedral more than 300 years ago.

On the stone is the dedication "This acre of English Ground was Given to the United States of America by the People of Britain in Memory of John F. Kennedy." Also inscribed are his birth and death dates and a passage from his 1961 inaugural address.
Getting to the memorial stone is an impressive part of the experience. Visitors first pass through a wicket gate leading to a set of steps and a stone path. The design is based on the theme of John Bunyan's Pilgrim's Progress - life, death and spirit.
The path has more than 60,000 granite stones representing the multitude of pilgrims (people of the U.S.) and winds gently up a small hill. The surface is rough, representing life's challenges.
The shallow steps running beside the path are numbered to represent each of President Kennedy's years of life. At the top of the steps there are larger platforms for viewing the memorial stone.


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