Cinsel Terapi Gruplarından Müştereklere | Arşaluys Kayır | TEDxYenisehir

Описание к видео Cinsel Terapi Gruplarından Müştereklere | Arşaluys Kayır | TEDxYenisehir

Grup terapilerinde birlik olarak, birlikte sorun çözme yoluna girdiğimiz zaman iyileştirici faktörler hızla devreye girer. İhtiyacımız olan şey, tüm dünyada daha fazla paylaşmak, daha fazla müştereklik. Arşaluys Kayır, a professor of Applied Psychology, is a retired professor at Istanbul University Psychiatry Department. Kayır is currently continuing her group psychotherapy and education activities in the same department voluntarily. She is one of the pioneers in the field of sexual treatments. The last 30 years of her professional life have been in the field of psychotherapy of sexual life and close relationship problems. By combining the sexual therapy method with the group therapy method, Kayır improved the education hospital model to a large group of patients. Kayir has been providing national and international education and work groups in the field of sexuality and psychocoding, giving national and international conferences on sexuality and sexual problems and treatments since the 1980s. Almost all of the over her national and international publications are in the field of sexuality, women's sexuality and therapy group processes and especially vaginismus causes and treatment. This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at


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