Classic WoW Hardcore 42 Rogue Vs 42 Shaman (3 Ears) Mak'Gora! Beef Gets Settled

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Zagrodney was talking alot of Trash with his 3 ears, So I challenged him for a nice little Mak'Gora.

Server: Skull Rock
Date/Time: 8/14 @ 10:05PM Server Time

42 Rogue Jdmturbos (Death Wish)
42 Shaman Zagrodney

With no Prep time, I dont ever say no to a Challenge.


Zag was in our guild in Death Wish...He was talking shit to guildies and people in LFG, we ended up Gkicking him....Then he still keeps talking shit and finally I Told him lets set up a Mak Gora to handle it.... I told him i had a 42 rogue, He was level 33 at the time. So he leveled and when he finally got to 42 we handled the beef! I Didnt come prepared at all, When i seen him and how buffed he was, he literally had every buff you can have, Razorhide ETC....NGL i was like fuck, But i locked in baby!

So this Beef has been building up for over a week, my 42 rogue I never play this alt (I have a 60 Naxx/AQ40 geared rogue and a 21 warrior that im leveling on my free time) so he essentially had 7 days to prep lol ....I literally got home from work, made poisons cuz i didnt have any, and bought last minute consumes from the AH lmao

My 42 rogue is literally in all green gear besides my weapons lol

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