101 Reasons to Ship Harry & Hermione

Описание к видео 101 Reasons to Ship Harry & Hermione

What is your reason?
Dedicated to all Harry and Hermione shippers.

This video... Let me tell you, was a BIG HUGE PAIN! It was originally supposed to be a Valentine's Day treat for you guys, but due to glitches here, transitions weirdness, and sound quality, ughh it delayed the date. But I've fixed most of the mistakes. And at last, it's done! I can finally sleep at night haha. Being that I have probably watched this video over a gazillion times, I have mixed opinions about it. So, hopefully you guys enjoy it!

And if you make it through watching the full 8mins, you truly must be a Harmony fan! Oh and you may notice that the ending is a bit rushed, I was running out of music and I was on the edge of pulling my hair out! So sorry about that! Haha.

Note: These reasons are based off the books and the movies and from a Harmony fan. These reasons are in no particular order. Also, sorry if this video offends any R&Hr or H&G fans. Let's just all try and get along okay? :)


To Laura (xLoverlyyx) for her beyond amazing L&P -- 101 Reasons video. I give her full credit for the idea. Sub her!    / xloverlyyx  

To "mistyleohang" for her lovely "101 Reasons to Ship Harmony" post. I couldn't contact her as her tumblr wasn't available anymore. But I used a majority of her reasons, which I give her credit to as well. http://fuckyeahharryhermione.tumblr.c...

To my friend, Ellie, for suggesting the song choice and helping me organize several of the reasons.

And of course to all of my wonderful subscribers! Without you, this video most likely wouldn't have been made. Thank you!

Read the 101 Reasons here: http://shorttext.com/snBVXm :)


Song: My Love (instrumental)
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Harry & Hermione (obviously lol)


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