Building a WARM ROOF with parapet walls is EASY!!!...right??? The Basement Build #7

Описание к видео Building a WARM ROOF with parapet walls is EASY!!!...right??? The Basement Build #7

In this episode we build the warm roof with parapet walls, which are easy peesie lemon squeezy...or are they???!!!

A direct link to the vapour barrier from the eBay shop that I got it is here:

We're not saying that this is the best price for this level so please do your research, this is just a link to the exact one that I bought and from the same seller.

A link to TuffStuff Workwear is here:

This workwear really is top quality and extremely well priced. Again you may find it cheaper elsewhere so please shop around.

The link to the Wade website, where we get all our lintels from including the concrete ones shown towards the beginning of the video is here:

Wade really should be your first phone call should you need any building materials their prices are great and the service is fantastic.

We don't get paid for any of the above information, but we'll always promote great experiences that we have with companies and products.

If you want to take a look for your own quality gazebo like the one we featured in our previous video the link is here:

All music in this video is from the Epidemic music app.

Thank you for watching!


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