లాబ్స్ లేకుండానే సైన్స్ లో 35 మార్కులు JVV Ramesh About Science || Telakapalli Talkshow || S Cube TV

Описание к видео లాబ్స్ లేకుండానే సైన్స్ లో 35 మార్కులు JVV Ramesh About Science || Telakapalli Talkshow || S Cube TV

లాబ్స్ లేకుండానే సైన్స్ లో 35 మార్కులు JVV Ramesh About Science || Telakapalli Talkshow || S Cube TV

Here is the exclusive interview of Tati Ramesh (JVV Ramesh) with veteran journalist Telakapalli Ravi. JVV Ramesh Shared his opinion about Jana Vignana Vedika and we are trying to awareness of science in public. And also shared about students today without science labs they are getting 35 marks. And also shared about many more things related to Science and SUPERSTITIOUS BELIEFS.

All India Peoples Science Network (AIPSN) is a National Network of Peoples Science Movements of India. It was established in the first All India Peoples Science Congress, organised in 1988 at Kannur in Kerala State. The attempt to establish a national platform for science organisations in India started in the late 1960s. By that time, there were Science organisations in West Bengal, Assam, Orissa, Kerala and Maharashtra. In many other states, there were committed scientists who were interested to work with people for a social cause.

The first common platform of scientists was organised by working scientists of BARC in Mumbai. It was named FILSA (Federation of Indian Literary Scientists Association). They supported different groups of scientists in different language speaking states with science writings in the vernacular. In 1973 and 1978, regional conferences of scientists were organised in Bangalore and Thiruvananthapuram. As a result, organisations were formed in few other states also. By the 1970s, there was Assam Science Society in Assam, Bangeeya Vigyan Parishad in West Bengal, Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parishad in Kerala and Karnataka Rajya Vijnan Parishad in Karnataka. The Bhopal Gas Tragedy of 1984 created a situation for these groups to work together against abuse of science and technology and lot of such activities were organised. In 1987, five national kala jathas were organised in the name Bharat Jan Vijnana Jatha(BJVJ) which culminated in Bhopal. Following this, organisations sprouted in various states which created a conducive atmosphere for the establishment of the AIPSN.

When AIPSN was established in February 1988, there were 28 member organisations and presently, it has 35 members. AIPSN functions as a common platform for interaction on Science and Technology issues and learning. It organises All India Peoples Sciences Congress every two years to discuss various experiences in Science and Technology. The organisational conference of AIPSN is held along with the AIPSC.

Dr VBR’s Jana Vignana Vedika is a well known science propaganda and Anti-superstitions propaganda NGO extending its services in Telugu States for the last 27 years. Now it has been expanded for four states like Tamilnadu, Karnataka, Odisha, Pondichhery also. Most of the intellectuals like Scientists, Judges, Doctors, Engineers, Police Officers, Advocates, Prominent Politicians, Teachers and Government Officers and many more are being involved in the organization activities with a dedicated motto to bring the society in an ideal way replacing the superstitions with scientific temper. It is having about 50,000 members all over India and lakhs of people who like its services for the society.

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