Ship Life: Musician

Описание к видео Ship Life: Musician

When I first decided I wanted to try cruise life, I wanted to be a musician. More specifically, I wanted to be a drummer. But I can't read music and I didn't know any other musicians at the time. To this day, this is a part of me who wishes I could have had the musician experience on ships.

So in order for me to know more about the cruise ship musician lifestyle, I have interviewed Jordan Martin. An incredibly talented bass and guitar player who has extensive experience as a cruise ship musician.

Also, please check out Jordan's channel. He is a great person and he is a super awesome guy. His channel is more than cruise ship information. He talks about life, chasing your dreams, and doing what it takes to be happy. Absolutely check him out.

If you have any questions for Jordan, don't hesitate to reach out to him:

   / jordanfmartin  


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