Asylum Seekers Trying To Smuggle Themselves OUT Of UK

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In a daring escape from the challenges of Britain's asylum system, a 23-year-old Iranian refugee made headlines after successfully crossing the English Channel and returning to France.

Having endured what he describes as neglect and abandonment by the UK's Home Office, the young refugee fled the country last autumn.

"The UK is not a promised land for asylum seekers," he remarked during an exclusive interview with the Daily Mail at his apartment. "I ran away from the UK because the Home Office dumped me in Ipswich, Coventry, and then Dudley. They left me to rot. I hated life in the UK."

His story underscores the frustration and disillusionment faced by many asylum seekers navigating the complexities of the UK's asylum system. As incidents of clandestine Channel crossings continue to make headlines, his account serves as a poignant reminder of the human cost of bureaucratic shortcomings and the urgent need for reform in the asylum process.

Peter Cardwell speaks with broadcaster Clare Muldoon and political commentator Matthew Stadlen.

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