NO ITEMS IN UVHM!? Borderlands 2

Описание к видео NO ITEMS IN UVHM!? Borderlands 2

  / miqueagul  
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Garbage for the algorithm:
Welcome back to gearless axton, also known as turret only without a shield. I was overreacting in part 2. UVHM wasn’t even hard. Easiest challenge I’ve ever done in fact. It only took 22 hours to beat it, but hey, I did it. Or I gave up. One of those 2 options for sure happened, no denying that.
So fun fact, I lost some of the recordings of the beginning of this challenge, so I’ll be using my MS paint skills to create renderings of what happened. You probably won’t even notice the difference.
I started my adventure by NOT fighting big monke. In UVHM you skip the whole knuckledragger section. Which, ya know… I’m gonna miss him. The first thing I noticed is that things in UVHM have a lot of health. Also they have health regeneration, which means if I ever encounter an enemy that my turrets can’t kill before going away, that enemy is effectively immortal.
I died to the first enemies I saw, so… you know, what are the odds these are the most difficult enemies in the game? Really high? I think it’s really high. I switched to a slag turret because slag triples damage in UVHM as opposed to doubling it in Normal and TVHM. Also, purple is my favorite color.
Once again, naked man + robot gun = dead bandits. Some things never change. Hammerlock is looking cute as always, and it’s time to see how much xp I get from fight for sanctuary now. Some, kinda. At some point I need to get to level 57 because that’s when I can have 2 slag turrets. I was hoping this would be the place to get there… it isn’t.
Oh hey the recording is back. Well back to actually playing the game. It’s boom boom time. I do like the choice of going with the slag turret. It does a lot more damage than 2 turrets, but there is one slight prob- oh it died. Yeah that’s not ideal, but as you can see my strategy is to just leave
the arena. I ran back in to get a progress report on boom, and yeah, that’s not ideal, but a few smacks to the face never hurt anyone. Wait… Well that’s the last time I go in the arena. Oh hey I tripped. Would you look at that, Big Bertha popped. Well time to go back into the arena. This worked on little boom so obviously it’ll… not work on big boom. I climbed up on this building, that’s pretty cool. Then I died. Less cool. I got back on the building and guys, I gotta be honest, while editing this I’m wondering why I didn’t just stay outside the arena and throw the turret. It worked on big bertha, so it’ll work on boom. I mean, I literally did the same thing from this building so like… I don’t know maybe I’m missing something, maybe I had a reason, but I genuinely don’t know why I didn’t think that’d work. Regardless, the building spot worked and boom died. Oh and then I did the same thing to Flynt. Because apparently Flynt doesn’t have health regen. I ain’t complaining. Next!
And by next I mean it took me over 7 minutes to walk from this ledge to the door because Flynt’s men deserve a promotion. But as we all know this is the most difficult part of the game. So struggling here doesn’t foreshadow anything at all.
I tried to save Rhys from the psychos, but he survived against them longer than I did. Mildly embarrassing, no one who saw it survived long enough for me to feel any shame.

Out of curiosity, how long will it take to get to level 57 farming the target dummy in marcus’s shop? I did the math, and it’ll take roughly forever. Moving on.

For lilith I went with my standard strategy of hiding and letting her deal with it. But since this is UVHM and her damage is on par with getting slapped in the face by a mildly damp pool noodle, I hid and let my turret deal with it. It took almost 30 minutes, but it got the job done.

To get to the bloodshots I have to kill a bunch of cars. If there’s one thing the developers of these games have made painfully clear, it’s that they have no idea how to do cars. When they designed the enemy cars in UVHM they made them out of paper mache, which is why they fall apart if you even look at them funny. When they went back to make them an actual threat, they replaced the paper mache with nothing. These are just naked health bars. I’ll take this moment to appreciate the first and last time this playthrough will ever ac


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